Website Creation : Critical Evaluation

In this post, I will critically evaluate my website through different factors.

To begin with, I would like to talk about the planning and research factor of my website. My initial idea to create this website is to make a website for my portfolio and work showcase. I wanted the website to look modern by its use of layout, white space, fonts, and colour. As such, I planned the font to be sans serif, especially Avenir, because rounded looks generally feel more contemporary and free. That said, I do not have a tagline for my website, as I don't find it fitting for a portfolio website.

Research-wise, I did research on two filmmaker websites. Firstly, I chose Hirokazu Kore-eda as a reference for older filmmakers that focuses on high-budget production films.  Secondly, I chose Alan Cook for a young independent filmmaker that has a lot more freedom and scope for various independent projects. Both are different type of filmmakers with different careers, and this difference can be seen through their websites.

From Kore-eda's website, I have learned about using more white space to emphasise on images and texts, using language depending on people you're trying to connect, and creating a sense of community through the use of blogs or message section. From Cooke's website I learned how to make a more modern-looking website through its interactive feature, emphasis on videos, and creating the feeling of being adventurous  and independent. 

Both of these websites led me to understand more about websites and how I want my website to be. They inspired me on creating a website that is appealing in terms of usability, navigation, and design. I also have learned to use a sans serif font and white space to create a more modern-looking website. Lastly, both have taught me what to prioritize on a portfolio website, which is to emphasise on my talents and abilities through showcasing my work.

In terms of the content in my website, it will contain my work, particularly regarding films or photography. This is because the purpose of the website is a portfolio website to showcase my work as an aspiring filmmaker. Potential website users are people who are interested in me or my work and people who are looking for filmmakers. 

I understand that having a digital portfolio website is important. The reason is that it allows people to gain an understanding of my work and who I am, especially for people who have no prior knowledge on me. In a way, it allows people to socialize with me professionally. Through this, I can build connections and trust with other people.

Regarding the design of the website, some design elements I used are text boxes, images, image gallery, social media bar, video box, buttons, gallery projects, forms, fixed header, and fixed footer. I used text boxes to give titles and descriptions. I also used image and video elements to emphasise my work, especially since it involves filmmaking and photography. I used gallery projects to showcase major projects. Finally, I used a fixed header and footer as a place to put the main menu, website title, and copyright proof. 

I used a portfolio template, with warm colors and Avenir font. The reason I chose a portfolio template is because it fits with the purpose of the website, which is a work showcase. I like the template layout as well because it feels very well-balanced and has good white space, but can contain a lot of information. I chose Avenir because its a sans serif font which makes the website feel modern, while I chose warm color because it makes the website feel more welcoming. 

My website has four pages to make it simple and compact. I will only include Home, About Me, Gallery, and Contact pages. As I designed each page, I gradually learn about my own preferences for the website. I learned of the various elements I should add for certain pages, such as including social media bar for the Contact page. At the same time, I also learned about what not to include such as personal information involving email, address, etc.


I believe that my website's navigation function is well-made. My website has working social media icon links in its social bar which led to my Blogger, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and LinkedIn accounts. My pages are connected through the main menu on the header of the website. The home page can also be interlinked to the contact page through a button in the bottom of the home page.

I feel that overall, my website is easy to navigate with clear fonts, well-organized layout and texts, etc. Each page's purpose is clear, and has features that are to be expected of each page. Lastly, the email form in the contact page also worked, as I have tested it out by filling out the form and checking if the message is sent into my school email account.


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