Major Project: Research on Screenwriting

In this post, I will be doing research on how to do basic screenwriting. This is to prepare me for my major project, which is to write a script with the theme of grief and loss. I will be basing this research using

1. The Planning Process

  • To brainstorm ideas on the story, writing down whatever comes into your head, especially the idea that are interesting, you could do, and other people would want to see. You can also find inspiration form other sources.
  • Research the genre of the story. This can be research on setting if historical, or researching the themes of the story when applied to the real world.
  • Knowing and understanding your characters. Who they are, why they do certain actions, what goes through their mind.
  • Understanding the story structure and planning it beforehand
  • Getting feedback from others, which may help on getting rid of plot holes and provide ideas to improve the story.
  • To create a list of scenes in the screenplay, which can be achieved through storyboard, index cards, and others.
To sum up, the planning process consists of notions and plans before the writing process begins. As such, I will have to first have an idea and think about it thoroughly on whether or not I can make the screenplay and whether or it people would like to see it. I would have to create characters and stand by them, understanding them and making them real. Then, I would have to create a plan on the story structure, doing various relevant research, and ask feedback from other people on my plan.

2. The Writing Process

  • Having understood story structures, most stories have a three-act structure
  • Act I is the first look the audience have of the world, story, and characters. It sets the tone for the rest of the story.
  • Act 2 is the middle part of the story in which you may want to raise the stakes and create problems. You can also put the climax in this story arc. This is also the part in which the character reaches a down point.
  • Act 3 should be the last part. The climax can be found here too. The main part is that this is the ending and the resolution, in which loose ends are tied and the protagonist deals with the outcome.
The writing process is the part in which I write the script. Following the plan that was made during the planning process, I will write according to the structure I had in mind. For example, if it was a three-act structure, the first act would be the exposition or the audience first look into the world and characters within the film. The second act is the middle in part in which problems may arise and a character is struggling. Lastly, the third act is the resolution and ending in which the character overcomes the problem. Although this is the idea of what a three-act structure should be like, I can freely change the flow of the story while still following the structure.

3. The Revising Process
  • After writing, writers should revise the draft, making sure of everything.
  • It's also good for others to read the script, especially certain people you trust for an unbiased and educated feedback.
  • Rewrites might be possible to fix parts of the script that didn't work.
  • After continuing the cycle of rewriting or revising, the script will be completed someday.
After the first draft of the script is completed, I will undergo through cycles of revisions on the drafts until I'm satisfied with the final result. I would have to check for errors in writing, things I would like to change, and ideas that I would like to add to the script. I would also ask feedback from people that I believe to be unbiased and can give an objective feedback. After cycles of rewriting and revising, the script would be finished if I'm pleased with the final results.

This is a simple sketch I made using Canva to create a basic three-act structure plan.

Based on this research, I know that I have completed many parts of the steps. I have brainstormed ideas, created a sketch and storyboard to know more about characters and story I had in mind. I have researched on the theme and process, as well as finding inspiration in other writers or filmmakers. I know that I have already planned a three-act structure for my script, as it had a beginning, middle part, and ending. 

As according to the three-act structure I made, in the first act, we are introduced to the world and characters in the story, mainly Jane, Kate, Rebecca, and George after John's death.. In the second act, as Jane's life problems started to become more heavier, Jane was contacted by George about meeting together. Later on, they have a family reunion and George visiting them. The third act starts as George talks with both Rebecca and Jane, with the argument hitting a climax. Later on, they reach a point of resolution as they have an understanding of their perspectives. The last shot is of the family, enjoying the their time together in the back.

I have completed my research on the planning process which consists of research on the theme of grief and loss, creating storyboards, understanding the world and characters, and creating a story structure. Thus, the next step is to write the script with the structure, characters, and story in mind. Then, I would revise it and ask for feedback from other people. Lastly, after following the cycle of rewriting and revising for two or three weeks, the script should be finished.


How to write a screenplay: Your 30-step guide (2022) Industrial Scripts®. Available at: (Accessed: November 13, 2022).

Benyahia, S.C., Gaffney, F. and White, J. (2009) As film studies: The essential introduction. 2nd edn. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis.


  1. Good that you posted the diagram and the research. You need to state how does this apply to your own project. For example, what will you do in your Act 1, 2 and 3. The planning process - you mention to research genre, so state what your genre is.

    1. Thanks for commenting! I have talked about what I'm going to do in Act 1, 2, and 3. I also added an explanation on how I have completed my research on grief and loss.


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