Creative Writing: Generating Ideas

In this post, I will talk about generating ideas for our new project, which is a writing project.

The first idea that came across my mind is to write about topics I'm familiar or interested with. I will be mostly choosing the topics based on the moments that I felt important in my life. In the end, I feel that two of these topics are what I would talk about.
  • Talking about falling in love with cinema and films
  • The birth of creative talent, how people and environments change, etc.
The next step is to think about the writing form that I would choose. Considering all the options, the main four forms I think would fit me are:
  • Poem
  • Prose
  • Prose poem
  • Short story
Having considered all the options, I feel that the most fitting balance of writing form and topic to me is a prose on the birth of creative talent, meaning I will write a story about a teenager finding his passion, dealing with life, and how it led him to who he is now.

The beginning would start with his need to find a purpose as he felt left behind compared to his friends and many other people. It will show how in the end, he found his love in an artform, how the art relate to his personal life, how the art made him struggle with life, and how in the beginning it made him self-conceited to only the artform. He will then learn that he needs his family and friends, and that he should believe in himself when doing his art. 

As such, I will make the story in third person perspective, as if a narrator is reading the script on his life instead of making it first person.


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