Urban Landscape: Westcotes and River Soar

After the urban landscape photography session I had on class, I went to Bede Island and the Westcotes area of Leicester outside of class to do my own urban landscape photography. As stated before, the main purpose is still to capture Leicester's urban landscape with a feeling of isolation.

I used a Canon EOS 5D Mark II with an EF 24-70mm f.2.8 USM lens to take the images. Like before, I used manual mode only throughout the shoot. In total, I took around 45 photographs. Here are the contact sheets of the photographs I took.

All of the images I took were in color, with most of them in portrait. As said in the previous post, portrait has always been my preferred style and color is used because it offers more universality. I am very fond of the photos I took, particularly in terms of composition, particularly through the use of leading lines and rule of thirds. These photos are also taken with manual setting, and compared to the previous session in cultural quarter, the raw photos here are more balanced in light, with only a few being too underexposed or overexposed. This shows that I have gotten more used to controlling the camera through its manual settings, which creates more natural photographs that relies more on my own perceptions and skills at the time.

Although I have walked a very long distance, I feel that I should've taken more photographs in that time span and that 45 photos is simply not good enough. Like the previous sessions, I felt that I lacked photographs of the buildings around me, especially in Narborough road. Still, the photos shares the same intended theme for isolation, but this time it also has traces of human-built technology, seen through the red Porsche and silver BMW. It still works well with how architecture, cars, graffiti, and even small items like broken glass on the floor implies the existence of humans while at the same time not existing in these photos, further reinforcing a theme of isolation.

It was a very fun photography session, however I am quite disappointed in how I make use of the time. While I am proud of the photos I took, I still feel that there are sceneries that I didn't get to photograph, but could have gotten which is frustrating. Nevertheless, after this session I will be doing curation control and quality check on the photos from both sessions.


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