Urban Landscape: Photo Book, Cover, and Website

In this post, I will talk about the creation of my photo book, the book cover, and the website.

Beginning with the photo book, I first went to Photoshop, opened new file, went to print, and chose A3 size with portrait.

Moving on, I changed the background color white and imported an image into the middle of it. I then used transform image (ctrl + t), to change size of the photograph to fit with the white border. Then, I added a text on the bottom right, with font Gill Sans MT sized 36 pt. Afterwards I did the same process for all the photographs that I chose.

Next up, I went to Canva to create the book cover as well as some designs for the website. For the photo book cover, I first made the background white, then I added the title with the font Lexend Deca, sized 58. Then, I added my name, also with the same font, sized 25. Afterwards, I added my photo on top of it that best describe the title, then reduced the saturation to 0 for black and white effect.

After that, I then made some designs for the website. For the first design, I enlarged the photo to become a background, then I put a blue box on top of it and reduced its transparency, then I wrote down the title with the font Kolektif, sized 150 and my name with the font Charm, sized 31. Then, I added a white circle with no fill over it. The second design is only a blue background, a graphic design of an urban map shaped as a circle, and two white borders on it.

Moving on, I went to my website's gallery page. I copied the section above the first project I had. I then changed the number, the title, and the description of the project. Afterwards, I clicked on the image, uploaded the first design from Canva, and changed it into that. Then I copied my first project page and made it a subpage to the Gallery, naming it after the title.

Next up, I changed the title, type of project, date, and description to this current project. I then clicked on the picture on the right, changing to the second design from Canva. I also colored the column for the descriptions and title to a red brown color. On the section below it, I colored the section background to dark grey. Then I added a Wix Pro Gallery on it by going to the left bar, clicking Add Apps, and choosing Wix Pro Gallery. I then clicked on manage media and added all my photos, with the photo book conver on the front of the page. Lastly, I added a back to gallery button by going to add elements, then buttons, changing the text to "Back to Gallery" and coloring it.

I also looked at the mobile version of the page to check for any mistakes and improvements to be made. I first looked at the gallery page to check. There isn't anything to change so I moved on to the project page.

On the projects page, I fixed the title page to be left-aligned from the center. I then reduced the sizes of the text to fit.  Moving on, I looked at the section below. I reduced the size of the gallery to fit as well as reducing the button's size and text size. 

Click on this link to see my website: Charlie's Film Journal. Next post will be about my reflection on this project.


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