
Showing posts from November, 2022

Major Project: Finishing Act One and Two

In this post, I will detail the second part of my progress on my major project, which is to write a 10-15 page script with the theme of grief and loss. This post mainly focuses on finishing the first and second act, in which I've completed the script as far as 9 pages.  In page 2 and 3, I added a new section involving Kate and Javi in the office. Compared to the first one, which only included Javi appearing in the scene and telling her that her work is rejected, this section includes a preview of  that scene, which is Javi giving the assignment to her.  In page 4 to 6, I added back to back scenes of Kate struggling in the office and Jane struggling with her own emotions. Here, I put more emphasis as to why Kate's work got rejected, mainly because Javi distrust her because of her husband's death, preferring another worker's drawing. This points out how Kate herself has started to lose her drawing abilities. I also mentioned about what Kate's work is, which is about d

Major Project: Act One and Two

In this post, I will detail the progress I've made on my project, which is a 10-15 page script on the theme of Grief and Loss. This progress post will detail the creation of the first and second act, in which I've finished four pages. I am using Writer Duet to write this script, and will be using tools such as scene, action, characters, dialogue, transition, and parenthetical tools on the top bar.  I began with creating the title page. The title of this project for now remains as the theme, which is grief and loss. I prefer to decide the title's name after the script has reached the end. In the first to second page, I included a part of the funeral. A preview of the characters and what they are feeling. It sets the tone of the script, in which most of its characters are grieving over the loss of someone. I also implied that George, a character that was saved by the one who died, is going to be important in the story. I also put detail into how Rebecca hates George, and Kate

Blog Buddy Comments #2

Last week, I have made comments on my blog buddy's blog, which is   Daniyal The Writer . I have made five new comments on his blog for this week. These are the comments that I made on his posts: Major Project: Development 1 WEBSITE: About me Website Creation again New Website: About me Final Project: Further Research

Website Creation : Critical Evaluation

In this post, I will critically evaluate my website through different factors. Planning To begin with, I would like to talk about the planning and research factor of my website. My initial idea to create this website is to make a website for my portfolio and work showcase. I wanted the website to look modern by its use of layout, white space, fonts, and colour. As such, I planned the font to be sans serif, especially Avenir, because rounded looks generally feel more contemporary and free. That said, I do not have a tagline for my website, as I don't find it fitting for a portfolio website. Research Research-wise, I did research on two filmmaker websites. Firstly, I chose Hirokazu Kore-eda as a reference for older filmmakers that focuses on high-budget production films.  Secondly, I chose Alan Cook for a young independent filmmaker that has a lot more freedom and scope for various independent projects. Both are different type of filmmakers with different careers, and this difference

Major Project: Research on Technical Codes

In this post, I would like to talk about learning technical codes in moving image. This knowledge of technical codes will help me on my film script project. During Media class, we learned about technical codes in moving image. One of the tasks given to us that day is to make a mind map with our partners. As such, me and Alan have made this mind map, with me writing in blue and him in red. Through learning technical codes in moving image and making this mind map, I have understood more about what technical codes I could put in the script. This is so that I can add more details to the character, story, or world within the story.  After learning about technical codes, I will describe more codes in the scenes, such as: The camera's angle, shots, and movements.  The setting and location of the scene. The sound (audio), diegetic or non-diegetic. Describing transitions between scenes.

Major Project: Research on Screenwriting

In this post, I will be doing research on how to do basic screenwriting. This is to prepare me for my major project, which is to write a script with the theme of grief and loss. I will be basing this research using 1. The Planning Process To brainstorm ideas on the story, writing down whatever comes into your head, especially the idea that are interesting, you could do, and other people would want to see. You can also find inspiration form other sources. Research the genre of the story. This can be research on setting if historical, or researching the themes of the story when applied to the real world. Knowing and understanding your characters. Who they are, why they do certain actions, what goes through their mind. Understanding the story structure and planning it beforehand Getting feedback from others, which may help on getting rid of plot holes and provide ideas to improve the story. To create a list of scenes in the screenplay, which can be achieved through s

Major Project: Research on Grief & Loss

In this post, I will detail a research I made on the theme of my project, which is grief and loss. This is to prepare myself before finishing the project, a script based on the theme of grief and loss. I will also use this research as a reference to revise my story and characters from the sketch. Source: Unsplash According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), " Grief is a normal response to loss during or after a disaster or other traumatic event. Grief can happen in response to loss of life, as well as to drastic changes to daily routines and ways of life that usually bring us comfort and a feeling of stability. " According to CDC, Common grief reactions include:  Shock, disbelief, or denial. Anxiety Distress Anger Periods of sadness Loss of sleep and loss of appetite There are also five main stages of grief, which is: Denial = At first, trying to deny or ignore the truth of the death. Anger = Anger towards the person who had died, ourselves, or others, Barga

Major Project: Screenwriting Software Testing

In this post, I will detail my software testing process on various screenwriting software that I might use for my major project, a script based on the theme of grief and loss. 1. Celtx To begin with, I had already tested this online software a few weeks ago. This is because it's a professional software that was recommended to me, and one that I was eager to know more about. I also had written my first sketch of the story on it as a test. From using it, I felt that it was very easy to understand, especially because of its layout. It has the ability to export high quality pdf. It also has other features such as having the ability for others to comment on your script, having others to collaborate with you as a team, and many others. I also tested out the title page, index cards, and screenwriting tools such as character, scene, dialogue, action, transitions, etc. All of these features worked very well and is easy to use. While I really like Celtx features and layout, unfortunately I w

Software Testing: Flipsnack

In this post, I will be testing out a software named Flipsnack to create a flipbook, which I will be using on my Gallery page in my Wix website. To begin with, I have chosen four images related to my major project to experiment this. I then used a jpg converter to convert my images format from jpg to pdf. I first uploaded the file by using the upload file button and then after all download is completed, I pressed the combined button which began a download for the pdf version of all the images that I uploaded. Afterwards I went to Flipsnack to create my flipbook. The first step is to upload my pdf to Flipsnack, which I did by pressing the "Upload more files" button and clicked the pdf. After the download is completed, I then moved to the next step which is to find out more about Flipsnack's features. The next step is to try out the editing function in Flipsnack. Some functions that I found as I try this is the ability to add text, images, and links. I also found out that

Blog Buddy Comments

I have made some comments on my blog buddy's blog, which is  Daniyal The Writer . These are the comments that I made on his posts. Major Project: SMART objectives Creating website Project Plan: VALORANT REVIEW VALORANT REVIEW INITIAL RESEARCH: Game reviewers Website and Research: Destructoid and GamesRadar+

Major Project: Storyboard

In this post, I will detail the creation of my storyboard for my script on the theme of grief and loss. This storyboard is based on the initial sketch I have made, which can be found in my previous post. Since I don't have a ruler, I created the boxes using a rectangular shaped material. I ended up using my Canon battery charger. I also drew the whole storyboard using pen as I don't have pencil and eraser. The storyboard consists of 16 boxes, including one box that has two shots and another box that has three shots. In total, I drew 19 different shots based on the sketch. I divided the 16 boxes based on its story arc, so in the end there was four main boxes. The first one depicts shots mainly in arc one. The second has shots from arc one, but is transitioning to arc two. Then, the third box has only shots from arc two. Finally, the fourth box is mainly dominated by shots in arc three. That said, arc one should be the beginning of the story, with arc two being the middle and arc

Major Project: Research on Storyboard

According to Studiobinder (2019), a storyboard is "a visual representation of a film sequence and breaks down the action into individual panels." Storyboards is a process of turning visions and ideas into images on screen to refine ideas and make it more clear to others.  Source: StudioBinder These are steps on storyboard creation: 1. Choose your medium Before starting the process, there are two storyboard mediums to choose: Drawing on paper or using a storyboarding software. There are also other ways for people who cannot draw, such as using stick figures, still photographs, video storyboards, and working with a storyboard artist. 2. Determine aspect ratio Aspect ratios are the size and shape of a film's frame. There are various aspect ratios, such as 16:9, 4:3, 2:39:1, and many others. Aspect ratios help define the world and look of the film. 3. Create or import images As mentioned, a storyboard can be created through drawing on paper or using digital storyboards. Duri

Major Project: Initial Sketch

In this post, I will detail an updated version of my initial sketch of the three-act structure I had imagined for my script on the theme of grief and loss. Previously on the 22nd of October, I made an initial sketch that I uploaded on my Project Sign-Off post. That post has been updated with an infographic for my project plan so I decided to update my initial sketch. I updated it by removing the character "William" because I felt that I can emphasise more on Rebecca instead as John's parent. I used Milanote to create this sketch, and while the final script may have different changes made compared to this sketch, I feel that making this sketch gives me a better grasp on what the story is and how I will be writing it later on. This is  My Milanote . You can check out  My Milanote  by clicking the highlighted link.

Website Creation: Gallery Page

In this post, I will talk about the process of creating my Gallery page for my website. Because the layout of the gallery page already exists, I don't have to choose a template. The font I will be using Avenir. I began by editing the "My Gallery" section on top, then I wrote a short description on it as well.  Moving on, I moved on to the projects. I deleted most projects that the website has, and included my project, which is Grief & Loss Script, a 10-15 page long script on the theme of grief and loss. In it, I also included pictures of my script and my Milanote. In the future, I will be updating this project section with my progress on the script. After finishing the "My Gallery" desktop page, I moved to edit the mobile version. I changed the title to 24px and the description to 14px. I also tried to change the size of the project since it's too small, but after trying it, the size can't be altered.  With that, I had finished my Gallery page. Check