Free Project: SMART Objective and Plan

In this post, I will talk about the SMART Objective and Plan for my podcast project.

  • To begin with, the project will be a five minute podcast about the Taiwanese New Wave cinema, in which it will specifically talk about what the movements is, the characteristics of the movements, some auteurs and their films, as well as how it impacts or contrasts to films now.
  • I will be evaluating my progress through the blog posts, with three research post after this, two process post, upload to website post, and then a final reflection post. 
  • Although a podcast is something new, I feel that creating it, as well as talking about the subject matter is very achievable and not too complex.
  • I feel that this project is relevant in terms of my progress because not only does it allow me to explore other media, but to also explore films more deeply, particularly with the Taiwanese New Wave and how films can portray society and the human condition in such ways, etc.
  • I will make sure that it is achievable in two weeks. I can achieve this by completing the research this week, shooting and editing next week, and then finishing it all up right after that. Thinking about other assessments, although balancing time may be hard, I still feel that this is achievable as long as I put a lot effort into it.

Moving on, the plan that I have made is:
  • Theme Research and Outline = 24 Feb
  • Technical Research = 24 Feb
  • Artists Research = 25 Feb
  • Writing Script = 26 Feb
  • Recording = 27 Feb
  • Editing = 28 Feb
  • Finalising and Website = 2 March
  • Reflection = 2 March
In terms of theme research, I will be researching a lot about the Taiwanese New Wave as a whole and what a podcast is. On technical research, I will research podcasts equipment and softwares. On artists research, I will mostly focus on Edward Yang, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, and Tsai Ming-liang. I will then write a script, rent equipment from AV loans, record my lines, edit it, and then finish it.


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