Creative Writing: Chapter 3 and 4

Now, I will talk about chapter three and four of my chapbook, Four Aprils. 

Beginning with chapter three, this chapter will be consisting of nine pages and includes images from Unsplash as well. Set on the day of April's departure to America, signaling the start of a new journey; it includes flashbacks of what happened between April of 2022 to 2023. Although the second chapter shows April to be more self-conceited to writing and reading, disregarding his friends, this time April changes to appreciate his friends and class more. Particularly, he was confronted by his close friends, a scenario that he feared. However, he then realised that they cared for him and that he was also to blame for what had happened.

Another aspect that was highlighted is April's own struggles with writing and reading, in which he found himself concerned about lacking talent. As such, he went to a well-known Indonesian writer regarding his book, in order for him to gain confidence. He left the writer's office having learned that he's still young and should take his time, as well as the fact that many writers have their own insecurities or concern for mistakes on their work. The chapter's last pages then shows his last days of spending time with friends and family, especially his birthday. Then, his fear as he was at the airport, saying goodbye to them, and walking to the gate where he can't look back.

Here are screenshots of page 

Moving on to chapter four, which only consists of a page and no images. This chapter will serve as an epilogue, showing how April is doing in America, and how the other characters are doing after a year. The last few sentences will emphasise how time flies fast, and a lot of things continue to change in April, other people, and the places he knew. He acknowledges that he has come to accept such changes, and that they are what made April who he is today. Then, we move on to the last page of the book, which will be the image credits.

The next post will be about the revisions and changes I made to the book.


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