Creative Writing: Timed Writing Exercise

Today, we had a timed writing exercise in which we were given around half an hour to write something. Here is what I wrote down:

Early dawn with the sky still set black, a boy hiding under his blanket jumped up from the alarm he has set on his phone. This time, he says “njing”, a swear word out of his collection of five that he said whenever the alarm disturbs him.

Like the usual, he has his messy hair and crusty eyes, looking around for just a second as he tries to regain his consciousness. It looks like he hates waking up at 4 and a half every week, no matter the amount of sleep he’s got.

“Well, isn’t this familiar,” he says, staring at the ceiling and dark room, a sight familiar to him for most of his life.

Sluggishly walking to the wardrobe to collect one set of white shirts with the eagle badge on its left pocket, a blue and red chequered tie, and dark blue trousers. He then proceeds to his routine of walking to the only bathroom on the second floor, only to find one of his three brothers taking a bath before him.

So, he waits on the couch again, scrolling through his phone, before finally having his chance 20 minutes later. Then, coming out of the door fully dressed as a highschooler, he continues his routine by sitting down for a minute, thinking.

“What did I do yesterday? What am I doing today? Have I done homework?” whilst referencing the school schedule that he’s already memorized.

Continuing downstairs, as always, the food is already prepared and all he must do is eat. Today it is the hit combination of rice, sunny side-up, and corned beef. Then when the clock strikes 6 and a half, he wears his black shoes, as fitting to school regulations, and gets dropped off by his father.


  1. Again some good ideas that could be developed


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