Creative Writing: Creating Book Cover

In this post, I will talk about the creation of the book cover. I will be using Canva to create this book cover and will talk about the details.

To begin with, I first searched for an image of a writer silhouette, then downloaded a free png of it. Afterwards, I wrote down the title and my name, as well as adding a line underneath it. Then, I changed the background color to be dark red.

Moving on, I changed the title font to Jonathan and made the size 351. Then for my name, I changed the font to Bakerie Thin, sized 62. I then went to designs, looking for flowers. Afterwards, I copied and pasted them, changing their sizes and arranging them to create an effect (flowers flying out of his mind.) Afterwards, I changed each saturation of the flower differently, with the one nearest to the silhouette having no saturation, and then gradually gaining color until the last one. Lastly, I put a red box on the side of it, writing April 2020-2024 to show the story's timeline in relation to the title, also because I liked how the red box fits with the cover and the bright red color of the flowers. The flowers symbolises April's change throughout four years, how his life has started to become colorful compared to the past, how he has now changed and learned a lot.

Moving on, with all the free space on top of the cover, I then added a huge pink flower on the right side and other leaves hanging on top. This makes sense, because April is a month that symbolises new beginnings and springtime, a time where flowers blossom. This goes to relate with April's story, about his new beginnings to writing and life every time a new chapter/April begins.

Next, with the bottom lacking appeal, I added more things to it. First, I went to elements and graphics to search for floor designs. Having found the one I liked, I then colored it bright red, to match the color of the flowers and red box, as the bright red color is lacking in the cover. Then, I added some pink flower petals to add the color pink on the bottom. Lastly, I searched for flower petal patterns, enlarged them to the point they fill up the page, reduced their transparency to only 10/100, colored them to dark red, then changed their position to the back of all the elements. 

Looking at it again, I made some changes to the cover. Realising that the size of the book cover is inaccurate, I changed the size to A4 and enlarged some of the elements to fit with it. Afterwards, I decided to change the background color and flower petals motifs to be darker red. Then I changed the floor color from bright red to a more brighter brown.

With that, I feel that I have finished my book cover, next is to talk about uploading the entirety of the book to an online flipbook and then putting it on my website.


  1. Good process and technicla detail - well done


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