Reflection: My Portfolio Website

I have really enjoyed the process of creating my website for Digital Arts. This task has helped me on understanding what makes a good website, what to usually expect of a website, and how to create it in general. I believe that this knowledge will be useful, especially after learning about how portfolio websites are important for my career as the main source for others to see my work and know who I am. Furthermore, feedback from my classmates through UX Testing, and researching other websites has also helped me in understanding which areas of the website I can improve on.

I believe that I have made a good website, which in terms of content has described who I am, what my main interests are, and have showcased some of the work that I've made. I have realized what I can include more for my portfolio website, which is mainly video works, which I find to be more appealing for a filmmaker's portfolio. That said, I do believe that this will be essential in the future because I will be using and updating this website or creating a new one. Nonetheless, I am very pleased of the end results, especially because I'm doing this task along with writing my script.

Click on this link to see my website: Charlie's Film Journal


  1. Thanks for commenting! I've added the website link on the post.


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