Major Project: Act Three and Revisions

In this post, I will detail the third part of my progress on my major project, which is to write a 10-15 page script with the theme of grief and loss. This post mainly focuses on third and last act, as well as revisions to the first and second act, in which I've completed 15 pages of the story in total.

To begin with, lets start with revisions first. In page 8, I've added on how Kate offers painting and drawing to Jane in order for her to express what she feels. I also added more on Jane's frustration, as Javi gives her another assignment with close due date, and that she's going to meet George later. I did this by showing her phone's schedule.

As for other pages, I've added more details on camera shots, parentheticals (used to describe what the character are doing), and checked for grammar or spelling mistakes. For example, in page 9, I've added more to the scene of Kate asking Rebecca why she accepted George's request. I added more parentheticals, which details that Kate is nervous in asking Rebecca, and Rebecca's actions as she talks about the subject with Jane.

Moving to the creation of the third act, in page 10 to 11, I added an interaction between Rebecca, Kate, and George. Here, the audience gets new information regarding how George is doing presently, his past with grief, as well as the awkward and intense tone of the room and situation. Then, George talks about the reason he wants to meet them, which is because he wants to say sorry, and that he felt responsible for John's death, which had brought suffering to the family.

In page 12, I added Jane asking the question that she's always wanted to give to George, which is about what had happened the day John died. Here, I included a flashback scene, with George using a voiceover, recounting the incident. Then in page 13, Rebecca shows her anger towards John for saving George, especially since it had brought pain to everyone in the family. She then confronts George as to why he wanted to kill himself back then. After that, Kate expressed what she feels about John's death, as well as revealing the scars to George and Rebecca, which shows how painful John's loss is for her.

In page 14, George is about to leave the house. He has already expressed how sorry he is and what he is going to do, which is to be grateful of the second chance he has by not attempting another suicide. He is going to visit the family occasionally and provide support in any way he can. We see George, having a glimpse, feeling even more guilty from that. Then, Rebecca and Kate saying how glad that the meeting happened, despite how painful it is for them. They then embrace each other, with Rebecca saying to Kate to never harm herself again, as she and Jane is by Kate's side. 

In page 15, I included the final music that is going to play until the end, which is a guitar-based music that is slow and hopeful. In the end, as Rebecca and Kate enjoys the sun in the terrace, Jane came over to show her drawing of the family, which meant how she and Kate is extremely sad with the color blue. She joked with Rebecca for a moment, and sits in the middle between Kate and Rebecca, feeling proud of the drawing after her mother complimented her. The family enjoys some time in the terrace as the scene fades to black.

With that, I have finished my 15 long page script. The final step I made is to decide the title, in which I chose "Moments of Sorrow." Not only is it quite short, I found the title to be fitting to the story and script because of how it focuses on sorrowful moments experienced by the family following loss.

With that, I have finished my script. I exported the file to pdf and word afterward.


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