Reflection: Moments of Sorrow

I gained an interest in theme of grief and loss through films and through my own concerns. I feel that the theme itself is very heavy, and is a challenge to write because of its complexity. However, I wrote this story for more personal reasons. I often thought about whether or not I will be ready when people I loved died, and how I will be able to move on from those moments of sorrow. As such, I feel that this is personally a way of preparing myself to face that fear. Along with this, I wrote this story because I want to not only understand the nature of grief and how it affects people, but of how we can move forward from an unforgettable loss of a loved one.

As an aspiring filmmaker, I am very much eager to learn about all aspects of filmmaking, especially writing which I view to be the most important aspect of films as its often the core of the story and film itself. As such, this project has helped me to do more writing, especially in terms of having to fit the story into only 15 pages. I have learned about understanding my own characters, about writing dialogue, planning the structure, as well as doing research on the concept beforehand. This project also have introduced me to resources such as Writer Duet, which I found to be the ideal screenwriting software that I will continue to use in the future.

I believed that I have succeeded in this project. I have finished all the necessary points that I have mentioned in my project plan, especially about planning, research, and the fact that it shouldn't be over 15 pages long. I also have completed the project in time, that is before December the 8th. That said, some things that I could improve on is how productive I am during writing sessions, as I believe that I could have wrote more and finished scripts faster if I control my focus more. On the script itself, I believe that I could work on writing my dialogue to be more natural, be more aware of the camera shots and character blocking, as well as extending this story into a longer version, since I feel that I can add more beyond 15 pages.

In the future, I will certainly be writing more scripts with research, planning, characters, blocking, and dialogue in mind. I will also be uploading my finished scripts on my portfolio for people to see. 


  1. Great, that you posted this Charlie. It is good that you have mentioned improvements and how successful you felt your project has been.


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