
Showing posts from February, 2023

Free Project: Project Outline

Yesterday's creative media production session is one in which I spent my time creating this outline of the project using Venngage . It details the process of the creation, what the project is, what the podcast will talk about, as well as the auteur research I put into it. Here is the infographic:

Free Project: Target Market Research

In this post, I would like to do a target market research concerning my project, which is podcast audiences. I will be exploring these three main topics: Demographics Psychographics Geographics Let us begin with demographics, which " refers to segmenting an audience according to demographic factors like age, race, gender, family size, income, or education " (Chamberlain, 2019). Here, I would mainly research age, gender, income, and habits. Source: Improve Podcast Age: As shown through a study by Improve Podcast (Land, 2022), people between 12 and 24 years of age constituted 40% of regular, monthly listeners. This means that Gen Z the largest age group and the fastest growing with Millennials and Gen X coming second. Source:  Improve Podcast Gender: Podcast listeners are both male and female and while still more men listen to podcasts than women. Growth of listenership in both groups is similarly very high (Land, 2022). Source:  Improve Podcast Income: Majority of podcast lis

Free Project: Podcast Technical Research

In this post, I would like to research about podcast and how to create one. To begin with, here is a definition of the word podcast from the Oxford English Dictionary, " A digital audio file of speech, music, broadcast material, etc., made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player. " (Oxford University Press, n.d.)  Then, I researched about how to start a podcast from three different sources (See bibliography), here is the notes I made on this: 1. Determine the theme or topic of the podcast It's crucial to determine the theme or topic that the podcast will cover as this will help put focus on the content and attract a specific audience. 2.Choose a format There are several formats for creating a podcast, including solo shows, interviews, and panel discussions. 3. Plan your content Create an outline or script for each episode of the podcast, ensuring to stay on track and cover all of the necessary topics as fit to the podcast's aim

Free Project: Research on Hou Hsiao-Hsien

Having done research on Edward Yang on the previous post, I will now do research on another Taiwanese auteur from the Taiwanese New Wave, that is Hou Hsiao-Hsien. The Time to Live and the Time to Die (1985) - IFI I'd like to first explore The Time to Live and the Time to Die (1985). Set in 1940s and 50s, the story follows a family as they move from mainland China to Taiwan, with the elderly finding it difficult to adjust while Ah-Ha, the young child, matures through the course of the film. The generation gap widens as a result, endangering the young man's relationship with his family and their traditions (MUBI, n.d.) The film is very autobiographical, as Hou did his own narration introducing the film and the house, the house in which Hou grew up in and the story of his family, as well as the deaths of the people who raised him. (Gilman, 2020). As we follow the journey of the child, turning into a quietly wild adoloscent of the streets, Hou shows the gang violence, familial resp

Free Project: Research on Edward Yang

After researching the Taiwanese New Wave, I will now be researching two of its most prominent directors, which is Edward Yang and Hou Hsiao-Hsien. Beginning with Edward Yang who was born in 1947 and passed away in 2007 from colon cancer. Yang was directly involved with the birth of the Taiwanese New Wave through the film In Our Time (1982), in which he directed one of the short within the anthology named Expectations . Fitting to the title, it explores the life of a young girl living with her mother and older sister and the handsome tenant living with them (Pavlos D., 2020). Here, we get to see Yang's early characteristics as a filmmaker, such as how he tackles youth and women, and how he explores an issue or subject, like sexual awakening, expectations and disappointment, and family relationships.  A Brighter Summer Day (1998) - A particular film I would like to explore, that I think describes him as a filmmaker and also helps define the Taiwanese New Wave is the film

Free Project: Taiwanese New Wave Research

Here, I would like to go into further detail on my podcast project's main subject, which is the Taiwanese New Wave. This would be beneficial as I would be talking about this cinematic movement on the podcast as a whole. Some of Taiwanese New Wave's important figures such as (left to right) Wu Nien-jen, Hou Hsiao-hsien, Edward Yang, Chen Kuo-fu, and Jan Hung-tze (Producer). From To begin with, I would like to talk about the conditions of Taiwanese cinema before the movement began. The history of films in Taiwan began in the 1900s, in which Taiwan was under the rule of the Japanese (Hong, 2008). This resulted in film exhibitions in Taiwan with the purpose of benefitting the colonial rule. Films here are used to "educate the ignorant Taiwanese" to support the Japanese colonial rule (Lee, 2017). In effect, films in Taiwan at the time were produced as pieces of propagandas to entice support of the regime and its agenda. Later on, these practices continued when

Free Project: SMART Objective and Plan

In this post, I will talk about the SMART Objective and Plan for my podcast project. Source: Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce To begin with, the project will be a five minute podcast about the Taiwanese New Wave cinema, in which it will specifically talk about what the movements is, the characteristics of the movements, some auteurs and their films, as well as how it impacts or contrasts to films now. I will be evaluating my progress through the blog posts, with three research post after this, two process post, upload to website post, and then a final reflection post.  Although a podcast is something new, I feel that creating it, as well as talking about the subject matter is very achievable and not too complex. I feel that this project is relevant in terms of my progress because not only does it allow me to explore other media, but to also explore films more deeply, particularly with the Taiwanese New Wave and how films can portray society and the human condition in such ways, etc

Free Project: Initial Ideas and Research

In this post, I will do initial ideas and research, signaling the start of a new project.  To begin with, I will first think about the main concept of the work, something that I found interesting. As I reflect on this, I feel that a subject that interest me the most and have led me to my love in films are the slow and humanistic nature of some East Asian film auteurs. In particular, film landscapes and movements in Japan and Taiwan that has produced portrayals that defines their country and society at a certain time. To me, this is an aspect of film I found most beautiful as it connects the various artforms in film to connect with the heritage, conditions, and people in a realistic manner, with a national identity within it. I also loved how some of the films and auteurs I'm thinking of has not only made a statement on the social conditions of their country and society, but also a universal and approachable lesson on the human condition through their characters and story. Thinking

Creative Writing Reflection

Writing is an artform that I really loved, especially narrative writing that focuses on story and characters. I felt that writing, along with photography are artforms that are a part of filmmaking, especially narrative films. Previously, I have had written books during my high school years, and although the results were disappointing for myself, I found it a useful experience. When this writing project was given, I felt very happy, because I've also written screenplays and felt that this time, writing a book could tell me how much I've progressed and make me learn more about it. I've come to appreciate writing as an artform a lot, as language is very complex and to convey it in such a particular way is an effective storytelling method. To begin with, the book I had made was a fictional story, that was based on my experience, and as such the book felt personal. In particular, I felt April as a character is genuine and in some ways reflect myself. At first I felt that I was f

Creative Writing: Uploading to Yumpu and Website

In this post, I will detail the process of uploading my book to Yumpu and  then creating a section of the project on my website. To begin with, I combined both pdfs of my writing and the book cover using combinepdf . Moving on, I went to Yumpu, cllicked on the upload button on the top right corner, and dragged the combined pdf file to it. Afterwards, I changed the title of the flipbook to Four Aprils. Then, I went to embed on the left bar, open embed options, clicked on custom embed, and then only copied the embed view link. Here is the link if you want to read the book: Four Aprils Next up, I went to my Canva to create the two designs for the project. I clicked on the previous project's presentation, and copied the first one. I changed the title to Four Aprils with the font Jonathan sized 340 and my name with font Charm sized 31. Afterwards I colored the background dark red and put flower petals with low transparency on top of it. Then, I added a border, colored the middle section

Creative Writing: Creating Book Cover

In this post, I will talk about the creation of the book cover. I will be using Canva to create this book cover and will talk about the details. To begin with, I first searched for an image of a writer silhouette, then downloaded a free png of it. Afterwards, I wrote down the title and my name, as well as adding a line underneath it. Then, I changed the background color to be dark red. Moving on, I changed the title font to Jonathan and made the size 351. Then for my name, I changed the font to Bakerie Thin, sized 62. I then went to designs, looking for flowers. Afterwards, I copied and pasted them, changing their sizes and arranging them to create an effect (flowers flying out of his mind.) Afterwards, I changed each saturation of the flower differently, with the one nearest to the silhouette having no saturation, and then gradually gaining color until the last one. Lastly, I put a red box on the side of it, writing April 2020-2024 to show the story's timeline in relation to the t

Creative Writing: Revisions and Improvements

In this post, I will detail the major changes and improvements I have made to the book and story. Overall, the changes I have made is making the paragraphs longer by connecting two short paragraphs into one, this I believe would give me extra space to write more. I have added page numbers to make the book easier to follow for readers and make the image credits more accurate. I have added more images, using more sources from myself, Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pexels. Then, I also changed the layout of the images by creating a separate page for them instead of putting them in the text. Lastly, I have made many changes to the narrative of the story, which I felt would make it better. I went through each paragraphs and sentences, and rewrite most of them to a better version. I also emphasised more on April's struggles and love for writing compared to the previous interpretation,  Regarding the changes to the narrative, here are the things I revised: Chapter Two's flashback begins on a

Creative Writing: Chapter 3 and 4

Now, I will talk about chapter three and four of my chapbook, Four Aprils.  Beginning with chapter three, this chapter will be consisting of nine pages and includes images from Unsplash as well. Set on the day of April's departure to America, signaling the start of a new journey; it includes flashbacks of what happened between April of 2022 to 2023. Although the second chapter shows April to be more self-conceited to writing and reading, disregarding his friends, this time April changes to appreciate his friends and class more. Particularly, he was confronted by his close friends, a scenario that he feared. However, he then realised that they cared for him and that he was also to blame for what had happened. Another aspect that was highlighted is April's own struggles with writing and reading, in which he found himself concerned about lacking talent. As such, he went to a well-known Indonesian writer regarding his book, in order for him to gain confidence. He left the writer