
Showing posts from 2022

Reflection: Moments of Sorrow

I gained an interest in theme of grief and loss through films and through my own concerns. I feel that the theme itself is very heavy, and is a challenge to write because of its complexity. However, I wrote this story for more personal reasons. I often thought about whether or not I will be ready when people I loved died, and how I will be able to move on from those moments of sorrow. As such, I feel that this is personally a way of preparing myself to face that fear. Along with this, I wrote this story because I want to not only understand the nature of grief and how it affects people, but of how we can move forward from an unforgettable loss of a loved one. As an aspiring filmmaker, I am very much eager to learn about all aspects of filmmaking, especially writing which I view to be the most important aspect of films as its often the core of the story and film itself. As such, this project has helped me to do more writing, especially in terms of having to fit the story into only 15 pa

Reflection: My Portfolio Website

I have really enjoyed the process of creating my website for Digital Arts. This task has helped me on understanding what makes a good website, what to usually expect of a website, and how to create it in general. I believe that this knowledge will be useful, especially after learning about how portfolio websites are important for my career as the main source for others to see my work and know who I am. Furthermore, feedback from my classmates through UX Testing, and researching other websites has also helped me in understanding which areas of the website I can improve on. I believe that I have made a good website, which in terms of content has described who I am, what my main interests are, and have showcased some of the work that I've made. I have realized what I can include more for my portfolio website, which is mainly video works, which I find to be more appealing for a filmmaker's portfolio. That said, I do believe that this will be essential in the future because I will b

Website Creation: Updating the Website

Following UX Testing, in which many have responded with feedback on the website, I have decided to update my Gallery page. This post will detail the process of how I updated the Gallery and Home page.  First of all, I made the project's landscape poster for the website. To begin with, I started with a blank canvas, colored it grey, and then went to Elements to add the graphics. I added a Celtic Knot Triquetra, which I researched to be a symbol for strength and three stages of life, crows as a symbol of death, and golden flowers for hope. The font for the title is Charmonman sized 187 px, and the subtitle below it is Charm sized 31,3 px. After that, I exported the image into png. For the website itself, I began with choosing a project template by going to Add Elements then Projects. I chose side by side because I think the picture and description are balanced. Moving on, I copied the description of the Gallery page from the previous page to the new one. I then adjusted the strip siz

Final Portfolio Completion: Adding Yumpu Flipbook

In this post, I will be showing details on the completion of my final project, a 15 page script. I will be creating a flipbook of this project and upload it into the Gallery page of my website. The program I will be using to create this flipbook is Yumpu, since my free trial in Flipsnack has already ended. First off, I exported my script to pdf in Writer Duet, the screenwriting software I used to write the script. After that, I went to Yumpu and logged in my account. I then clicked on the upload my pdf button on the top right corner of the screen. Then, I pressed on the "Select file to upload" button and chose the pdf version of the script on my desktop. I then wait for the file to upload. After the file has finished uploading, I tested out the flipbook to check if its working. After checking it, I pressed on the publish now button Moving on, I then went to the embed section on the left bar of the screen. Then I chose the custom embed option. After that, I copied only the web

UX Testing: Updating Website

After creating the UX Testing form and gained responses, I will be updating my website according to the response that I've received. I first begin with opening my UX Testing form again to look at the responses. I looked at which aspect of the website I should update based on the additional feedback and areas of the response that are vastly more dominated by red (good), or has yellow (fair) in it. First off, I will be updating the Gallery, as it gained a fair response as well as two responses about it on additional responses. The response stated that I should add more content while adding a title and topic to my projects. As such, I will be doing this as well as doing my projects page. This is what my Gallery page previously looked like in mobile view, which looked very empty: I began with reviewing my Gallery page. Having realized that using Wix Projects as a gallery and portfolio page has drawbacks to its design, I decided to create a new Gallery page. I began with choosing a proj

UX Testing: Forms and Responses

In this post, I will talk about the UX Testing process I did with my classmates. This UX Testing will be essential as feedback for my overall website. You can find the link to my UX Testing & Feedback form by clicking on this link:  UX Testing & Feedback To begin with, I created the google form, consisting of various questions regarding usability and navigation, overall design, mobile view, opinions on each page in the website, social media, as well as additional feedback that they can suggest. After that, I asked my classmates to fill the form while I do the same by checking their websites and filling their UX Testing form. So far, I have gained 7 responses. I will be talking about the response I received to each question, starting from the overall design of the website. With majority being excellent and good responses, I can conclude that the design of the website gains a positive response. Moving on to the navigation and usability of the website. Majority responded with good

Major Project: Act Three and Revisions

In this post, I will detail the third part of my progress on my major project, which is to write a 10-15 page script with the theme of grief and loss. This post mainly focuses on third and last act, as well as revisions to the first and second act, in which I've completed 15 pages of the story in total. To begin with, lets start with revisions first. In page 8, I've added on how Kate offers painting and drawing to Jane in order for her to express what she feels. I also added more on Jane's frustration, as Javi gives her another assignment with close due date, and that she's going to meet George later. I did this by showing her phone's schedule. As for other pages, I've added more details on camera shots, parentheticals (used to describe what the character are doing), and checked for grammar or spelling mistakes. For example, in page 9, I've added more to the scene of Kate asking Rebecca why she accepted George's request. I added more parentheticals, whic

Major Project: Finishing Act One and Two

In this post, I will detail the second part of my progress on my major project, which is to write a 10-15 page script with the theme of grief and loss. This post mainly focuses on finishing the first and second act, in which I've completed the script as far as 9 pages.  In page 2 and 3, I added a new section involving Kate and Javi in the office. Compared to the first one, which only included Javi appearing in the scene and telling her that her work is rejected, this section includes a preview of  that scene, which is Javi giving the assignment to her.  In page 4 to 6, I added back to back scenes of Kate struggling in the office and Jane struggling with her own emotions. Here, I put more emphasis as to why Kate's work got rejected, mainly because Javi distrust her because of her husband's death, preferring another worker's drawing. This points out how Kate herself has started to lose her drawing abilities. I also mentioned about what Kate's work is, which is about d