
Website Quality Check and Enhancement Features

In this post, I would like to detail the quality check and enhancement process of my website. To begin with, I went to the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) section where I will be checking the SEO setup checklist. In particular, I did every process in Step 1 except for the custom domain (paid) and google search console which requires the previous steps to be completed. On the second step, I updated each page with a descriptive text, with the only task left unchecked being to add my email on the home page. Checking the SEO should mean that people can find my website more easily, as there are now more keywords being added to the SEO. Moving on to the website itself, I added new apps. The first app I added is a social media feed app by POWR. It is linked to my film Instagram page. I felt that previously, the home page lacked a representation of films, as the pictures are photography, while the project below is the script. Because of that, I added this social media feed to add more variety

Free Project: Reflection

This project as a whole has been a fun challenge for me. In previous projects disregarding photography, I've always done writing, and as such, the technical skills and knowledge of the project are mostly based in that. However, with this project, I am challenging myself to do a podcast, and one that isn't too complex. Its a good way to not only understand how audio equipment works as well as how basic podcasting is, but also a way for me to explore a subject I've been interested in for a while, which is the Taiwanese New Wave. I particularly chose this topic because I've always find it hard to talk about the movement as a whole. The New Wave's films and filmmakers are my inspirations to filmmaking and in part made me feel rejuvenated to pursue the art. I felt that researching it deeper and talking about it in a small but perfect canvas of a 5 minute podcast may work. In the end, I did learn a lot about the movement and what it meant to me, such as how their films ha

Free Project: Uploading to the Website

In this post, I will detail the process of uploading the podcast project to the website. To begin with, I went to Canva to create the two designs for the podcast project. I clicked on the previous project's presentation and created two new slides. First, I used a picture of my setup as the background then adding a light brown color and dark blue box to separate the two titles. In the light brown box, I reduced the opacity to around 93%, added the podcast title "Recently Watched" with Bukhari Script font sized 166px, a film graphic as a border, and an audio graphic. Then, on the dark blue box, I reduced the opacity to 93% as well, added the episode title with Bukhari Script font sized 91px and my name with Kollektif font sized 48px, a podcast logo which is a mic, and the film graphic as the border. Lastly, I added a white line to separate the two boxes. On the other slide, I put the dark blue box over the picture background, reduced opacity to 93%, added two film graphics,

Free Project: Process #3 - Post-Production

In this post, I would like to detail the post-production process of the podcast that I made. To begin with, I imported all of the WAV files into Premiere Pro and arranged it from the first to last paragraph. I also went to Youtube and searched for royalty free music, in which I ended up using this one from BreakingCopyright, a channel with over five hundred thousand subscribers: Youtube link . I downloaded it by copying the link and going to a youtube to mp3 converter. Moving on, I arranged all the audio in order in the first track, while also cutting the music into two sections (beginning and ending) on the second track. Moving on, as I listen to the full recording of the first track, I write down which parts of the audio I should re-take. Then, after re-taking them through Audacity, I imported the WAV files and arranged them accordingly by cutting the previous section and adding the new one. I also changed the dB levels of some of the tracks, as some of the earlier recordings are too

Free Project: Process #2 - Production

In this post, I will detail the production process of my podcast about the Taiwanese New Wave. Firstly, I rented the items from AV Loans, which were five items including an audio interface, mic, stand, XLR cable, and headphones. Here is my booking details: After doing that, I then downloaded the driver for the audio interface I am using, which is the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen. This is because drivers support the audio quality as it is mostly used for the interaction or communication between the hardware and the computer. After that, I then downloaded Audacity, which is a free audio editor and recording app. The entire podcast will be recorded through Audacity, as such it is important that I have this application during production. After that, I then arranged the setup for the podcast recording. First I removed the stand head by unscrewing it and replacing it with the shock mount provided with the mic. Then, I put the mic on the shock mount and connected the XLR cable into it befor

Free Project: Process #1 - Pre-Production

In this post, I will detail the pre-production process of the Taiwanese New Wave podcast. To begin with, I had already created a title for the podcast, which will be Recently Watched . I feel that in contrast to other film podcasts, this is a unique title as it doesn't use the conventions of "Cinema" or "Film" on the title, while also showing the purpose of the podcast, which mainly talks about films and cinema that I have recently came across. Along with a title, I have also created a cover for the podcast using Canva. I created two versions of it, but decided to use the first one as the second one implies that I may have a guest with me, which I do not. Also, I liked the first one more as it shows more simple film equipment such as the chair, camera, film, and mic. Here are both covers: After that, I created a script intended for less than five minutes long. The first section will be an introduction, the second about its general history, third about its produ

Free Project: Project Outline

Yesterday's creative media production session is one in which I spent my time creating this outline of the project using Venngage . It details the process of the creation, what the project is, what the podcast will talk about, as well as the auteur research I put into it. Here is the infographic:

Free Project: Target Market Research

In this post, I would like to do a target market research concerning my project, which is podcast audiences. I will be exploring these three main topics: Demographics Psychographics Geographics Let us begin with demographics, which " refers to segmenting an audience according to demographic factors like age, race, gender, family size, income, or education " (Chamberlain, 2019). Here, I would mainly research age, gender, income, and habits. Source: Improve Podcast Age: As shown through a study by Improve Podcast (Land, 2022), people between 12 and 24 years of age constituted 40% of regular, monthly listeners. This means that Gen Z the largest age group and the fastest growing with Millennials and Gen X coming second. Source:  Improve Podcast Gender: Podcast listeners are both male and female and while still more men listen to podcasts than women. Growth of listenership in both groups is similarly very high (Land, 2022). Source:  Improve Podcast Income: Majority of podcast lis